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Risikoentleerte Stimmrechtsausübung im Recht der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft

Medium: Buch
ISBN: 978-3-11-031562-2
Verlag: De Gruyter
Erscheinungstermin: 01.01.2014
Lieferfrist: bis zu 10 Tage
Das Stimmrecht ist das zentrale Verwaltungsrecht der Aktionäre. Die Voraussetzungen unter denen das Stimmrecht ausgeübt wird, haben sich in den letzten Jahren durch die Ausweitung der Verwendung von Finanzinstrumenten sowie neu auftretende Akteure verändert. Hier drohen Entscheidungen, die die Interessen der Mitaktionäre beeinträchtigen und die Steuerung der Aktiengesellschaft beeinträchtigen. Die Arbeit untersucht umfassend die Probleme, die sich aus diesem neuen Umfeld für die börsennotierte Aktiengesellschaft ergeben, und diskutiert Lösungen de lege lata und de lege ferenda.[Writings pertaining to European and international private, banking and commercial law]Europeanization and internationalization challenge the realm of jurisprudence to an extraordinary degree. The division in special fields and the relationship with other social sciences necessitate critical reevaluation in view of many interactions. Cross-references between commercial law regulation and private, autonomous arrangement distinctly show this development. Jurisprudence emerging beyond Germany has to deal with such challenges. The law of financial services serves as an example of the cross-section material from private law and (public) commercial law. This takes into account the series at hand in terms of content and method. In addition to banking, capital market and financial law as the main emphasis, corporate law, competition & cartel law, intangible property rights, insolvency law and also labor law show similar overlaps. The intensive internationally-oriented treatment of the overlaps of classical private law - in particular contractual law - and commercial law promise a bountiful yield, especially on the European level under the summarizing aspect of corporate law. The outstanding monography also finds its place in the series, as well as the conference volume, works in German and also occasional works in English. There are economically-aligned works in addition to juridical works constituting the main emphasis. Works pertaining to Europeanization and internationalization are compiled in the series, which convey commercial law and commercially-conceived private law in an outstanding manner.




Mittermeier, Martin